Saturday, February 27, 2016

Schwan (14 A Prisoner of Prisoners)

To continue with our tale...

14 A Prisoner of Prisoners

Duke Richard was now Fredrik's prisoner.  But Fredrik was still a hostage in the Duke's castle.  Fredrik's first priority was to get his new Queen out, and on the road home to Midmont.  He hoped Elise and Anna would be able to slip out of the castle with Friar John, disguised as monks.  Neither were tall enough to be mistaken for the King.

"Once you are clear of the castle, meet Garth at the Red Onion, and start on the road to Waterton."

"What about you, your Majesty?"
"We'll have to try something different."

Elise looked alarmed.  She took hold of Fredrik, and put her head against his chest.
"I can't go without you,"she said.

"You must, for now," he answered.  Then, for her ears alone, "Don't worry, we'll join you on the road.  Trust me."
Was she to lose him on their wedding night?

"Come," said the Friar.

The castle gate was not normally closed at night in times of peace, although it was guarded.  As they approached the gate, they overheard the gatekeepers being told not to let King Fredrik leave the castle.

"It will be your heads if he does!"

But the guards were used to seeing the Monks from the abby coming and going.  And the two women in disguise were obviously not King Fredrik.  They were allowed to leave.  Now as they walked out into the town, they could hear the portcullis closing behind them.  It was a chilling sound.

Still gagged, the Duke watched as Fredrik and Rolf also pulled  some of the Duke's surcoats over their own clothing.  Both wore mail beneath.  The Duke was stripped of his own robe, and dressed in an old ragged tunic.  A bag was tied over his head as Rolf led the way to the dungeon.  Fredrik followed behind the other men, hoping not to be recognized.

They had no hope of cutting their way out of the castle.  They were gambling on a bluff.  But first they needed to deposit the Duke, where he could still be used as a bargaining chip, if it came to that.

The lone Jailer at the entrance to the dungeon, as was hoped, did not recognize Rolf.  Rolf assumed an attitude of authority.

"Open up for the Duke's special prisoner!"

"But there's been no word..."

"Open up!"  Then in a low voice, "The prisoner is King Fredrik, himself!"

The Duke shifted uneasily.  He wanted to get the man's attention, but could still feel the point of a dagger in his back.

"Give me the Keys!" Rolf demanded.

The Jailer, thoroughly intimidated, complied.  What did it matter?  They were bringing in a new prisoner, it was certainly not an escape.

"Wait here!" Rolf told the man.  

Rolf left the two guardsmen behind with the Jailer.  They did not wish to be followed.  Once they were out of sight, Fredrik took the lead.  He led the way to the lowest level, glad for the tour Juliet had given him.

Finally, they arrived at a heavy oaken door.  It had not been opened for a long time, and Rolf had to struggle with the lock.  Fredrik had learned of this chamber from Anna.  Over the years, she had learned a lot of the castle's secrets.

At last it opened.

The torchlight revealed a small, lightless chamber with shackles set into the walls.  There was a corpse chained to the wall.  It was dried and shriveled up.  An empty bowel lay just out of reach.

They shackled the Duke next to the corpse.

"I'm afraid we must leave you now.  But at least you're not alone.  Here's an old friend of yours," Fredrik said as he pulled the sack off of the Duke's head.

Now for the first time, the Duke's face betrayed fear.  He recognized this death chamber, the "Cell of the Forgotten".  He had abandoned many here to die in lonely misery.  His eyes moved involuntarily to a pile of bones tossed into a dark corner.  No one left this place alive… or dead.  Was this to be his tomb as well?

"And now, regrettably, we must take our leave."

They slammed the heavy door, and Rolf turned the rusty lock.

Back with the Jailer, Rolf removed the keys to the Duke's shackles and prison door.

"The Duke wishes to hold these keys himself.  No one but the Duke, himself, is to open that door!"

He threw the remaining keys onto the floor, and took the frightened man by his tunic.

"And no one is to know of this... on pain of death."

And then, Fredrik and his men left the frightened man.

But still, they had to get out of the castle.

As soon as they were out of sight of the gate, Friar John led the women toward the Red Onion.  The old innkeeper and his wife were delighted to see Elise.  They remembered her mother well, and were amazed at the turn of events.  As Garth brought his cart from the stable Friar John explained the situation to the Ranger, Karl.

"His Majesty commands you to guard the Queen, and see her safely to the castle at Waterton."
"It will be an honor."

"Now, I must return to the Abby.  Godspeed."

Garth drove the cart though the twisted streets toward the city gate.  The two women had discarded their disguises, and were now dressed as simple peasant women.  Karl rode behind, his cloak covering his sword.

At the gate, they were questioned, because of the lateness of the hour.  But their explanation of needing to get home, was accepted.  After all, they were only harmless peasants, returning to the country.  The watchmen did have some question concerning Karl.  But they were satisfied with Garth's explanation of his "nephew's" escorting them for protection from robbers.

As they left the city behind, Garth stepped up the pace.  He wanted to put as much distance between them and the castle as possible, before daylight.   

To be continued

Thursday, February 25, 2016

One More Sign

It's always nice to find another sign of spring this time of year.
We have had a lot of wind lately.
In fact it caused some trouble for family over in Concord NC.
But out here in the woods The Fuzz made out okay.
In fact it was the wind that brought  these guys to his attention.

Whilst walking up to check the mail he found these little buds on the ground.
They're not quite all the way open, but Red Maple blossoms are a sure sign of spring!

The Fuzz thinks that here in NC we get our March Winds just a little earlier than all those Yankees.  But that means Spring is on the way.
And The Fuzz and His Sweetie are hoping to get a little pre-season beach time in soon.
So that situation with the pump will just have to wait.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Not Pumped

It has probably been mentioned here before that The Fuzz and His Sweetie have a routine of taking turns at spending one night a week back over at the Old Place.
They find that it is conducive to maintaining their sanity since The Fuzz's retirement.
This week it was The Fuzz's turn.
When he got there, he made a quick test of the kitchen sink.  The water came on fine -
But then slowly lost pressure and quit.
Needless to say, this was not a good thing.
While he could not hear the pump (which is under the kitchen) running, he did hear a hum somewhere down there.
It was time to take a look.
It was kinda dark down there.
But Our Fuzz had no trouble detecting the source of the sound.
The motor was not turning.
So was the problem the motor - or pump?
Either way, the thing was broke!
Here's a better look.

These things don't last forever of course.
Some years ago, The Fuzz had replaced the pump.  And to be honest about it, he did not get the High-Dollar-Top-Of-The-Line one.
(He's kinda cheap like that)
And then, a couple of years ago, he had to replace the tank.
(Which is why it is all shiny and new looking)

Well, it looks like it's time for another new pump!
But that project will have to wait for now.
So for the time being, it's back to the old Bucket & Rope!

Schwan (13 A Hidden Passage)

The story continues with our next chapter, "A Hidden Passage"

13 A Hidden Passage

"He is Fredrik, King of Midmont."

Anna's words stunned Elise.  Why hadn't he told her.  She was angry at first.  But then she began to understand.  She could hear him speaking to her.

"...I was afraid if you knew... I didn't want to be King Fredrik to you... only Fredrik… a man - your man."

Elise stopped trying to pull away from him, and looked into his eyes.  He was the same man she had spent those nights with.  Still the same man who had treated her with respect when no one else would.  What did it matter if he was also a King?  

Elise went to the table and picked up the flowers.

It was a short ceremony, yet dignified.  Friar John heard their vows.  Anna placed Elise's hand into Fredrik's.  And so, Elise became Queen of Midmont on that cool summer evening.

But now there were new concerns.  Fredrik had hoped to slip out of the Dukes castle, and start for home this very night.  But Anna's news complicated matters.  Perhaps he had been foolish to come here at all.  But when he looked at Elise he was sure he had done the right thing.

Still, he had no desire to be held hostage.  And now with any hope of a marriage to Juliet out of the question, he could expect only treachery from the Duke.  When Duke Richard found out about Elise he would be furious.  If only there were some way to turn the tables on him.

"So, he means to hold me hostage.  And he murdered my father."

Anna looked at him in shock.  She had not known this.

"But I mean to leave this place tonight."

"Tonight?" asked Elise.  She ran to Anna.  "You must come with me!"  She looked to her husband hopefully.  
"Certainly, if that's what she wishes."

It did not take long for Anna to make up her mind.  There was little to keep her here, and even less with Elise gone.
"I'm ready," was all she said.

"Will you swear allegiance to myself, and the Crown of Midmont?"
"Gladly, your Majesty."

And so Anna became a subject of King Fredrik with all it's rights and privileges.. and present dangers.

Now Anna approached King Fredrik with Elise beside her.

"Your Majesty," she began, "What if there was a way to get into the Duke's private apartments, unseen?"

"Is there such a way?"
"There is."

"And how do you know this?" he asked.

"When I was younger..."  And here she choked and began to cry.

Fredrik motioned Friar John to join them.  When Anna saw the priest, she dropped to her knees clutching his habit.

"What is it, sister?" he asked gently.

"When I was young, I was a pretty thing.  One day the Duke saw me in the town, and brought me here to the castle.  You can guess the rest."

Here she looked up to the monk's face, searching.

"I  didn't want to... I knew it was wrong... But what choice did I have?"  

Now she looked at Elise.

"I became with child, by the Duke.  That was when he brought your mother here.  But I was glad to be done with him, so I thought.  But my daughter died at birth.  It was my punishment from God.  Shortly after that, your mother died.  And so, I was once more the Duke's plaything.  But I vowed to keep you, Elise, in place of my lost child."

Now she turned back to the Friar.

"Can God ever forgive me?  Am I dammed forever?"

There was dead silence in the room.  Then the Priest pulled her to her feet.

"The Savior has already forgiven you, sister."

Anna gave a sigh from the depths of her soul.  She stood still for a long time, a peaceful smile on her face.  No one else dared speak.

Now Anna addressed Fredrik once again.

"The Duke does not like for everyone to know his affairs.  There is a passage, into his chamber, that few know of.  But I was often brought to him by it."

"And could we use this passage?" asked the King, suddenly interested.  

Duke Richard of Morlana had just poured himself another glass of wine.  It was late, but he was too restless to sleep.  He wondered if he had acted too hastily.  There was no proof that Fredrik knew of Slythain's arrest.  But he couldn't take the chance.

For the time being, he would say nothing to the King.  As long as Fredrik didn't realize that he was a hostage, there would be no harm.  And maybe Juliet would have her way with him yet.

He was completely unprepared when the hidden door suddenly opened, and Fredrik and Rolf rushed into the room.  In his surprise he lost his one chance to cry out.  Now while Rolf held a dagger to his throat, he faced King Fredrik, himself.

Rolf spoke quietly-
"Give me the word, your Majesty, and I'll cut his throat now."

But Fredrik raised his hand.

"We can leave by the way we entered," Rolf continued in a low voice - "No one will even know we were here."

Now, for the first time, the Duke saw Anna, standing in the passage.

"You!" he spat the word out. "Traitor!"

"Take care how you address my subjects, vermin!"

Rolf grasped the Duke tighter.  Duke Richard felt a slight trickle of blood down his neck.  

"Traitor?" Fredrik continued, "This, coming from you?  

"I would like nothing better than to cut your throat myself, at this very moment.  But I also know of your plot against me.  And we need you alive… for the moment." 

Fredrik gagged the Duke, and bound his hands tightly behind him.  Then they barricaded the door.  Anna led the way back though the hidden passages.  The castle was honeycombed with them, and Anna had explored them thoroughly, over the years.  She led the way back to Fredrik's own room.

The Duke was surprised to find it filled with people.  There were Fredrik's two Guardsmen, wearing the Duke's own livery, stolen from a store room.  There was the monk, Friar John, and another smaller figure, in the habit of the friars.
As Anna slipped into another of the monk's robes, Fredrik addressed the Duke.

"You had hoped for me to take a wife here.  I am pleased to tell you, that indeed, I did find one.  And for that, I must thank you.  Now, kneel before Queen Elise, of Midmont."

Fredrik motioned to Elise to step forward.  She did so timidly.  Fredrik's Guardsmen forced the Duke to his knees, as she pulled back her hood.

Duke Richard's face contorted in rage as he realized who she was.  This girl who would never have dared to even look at him, was no longer intimidated.   Somehow, she even looked royal now.

His only consolation was that they were not out of the castle yet.  And he had given orders to prevent that.

To be continued of course!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Post Season Repairs

Winter can be a bit rough on some of our outdoor spaces.
The Fuzz and His Sweetie have a sort of patio out here with a fire pit.  It's usually covered with a tarp to keep the sun and rain off when they sit out here in the summer.  It's a nice place to enjoy dinner or maybe a glass of wine.
But with the wind, ice and snow, these tarps can take a beating.
Last summer they were gone so much that The Fuzz never bothered to maintain them.  And after all, they had their new pond to enjoy!
But there is still a place for this nice little area.
He had rigged a more modest system that would be easier to maintain, but it had gotten pretty battered by the weather.

While at the local "Discount store" they picked up a $5 tarp and voila!

But there was a downside to the affair.
You might notice the bench under the tarp.
Well that sucker is pretty heavy, and that Ambitious Fuzz foolishly tried to move it by himself.

Here we go again!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Schwan (12 Who Are You ?)

And here is yet another part of this little tale, courtesy of The Fuzz and Kinda Fuzzy.

12  Who Are You ?

The Archbishop was still with the Abbot when Fredrik and Rolf arrived.
"Care for some wine?" he asked, ignoring the Abbot.

Fredrik first greeted the Abbot, and then replied.
"Not at this hour, thank you."

The Archbishop drained his cup.

"Are you enjoying your stay at St. Petersbridge?" the Archbishop asked.
"Well enough.  Although I do hope to return to Waterton soon."
"Yes," said the Archbishop, setting down his cup.  "Lovely place I hear, although I've never been there.  A bit rustic, isn't it?"

The Abbot looked on, studying Fredrik.  This was his first look at the young King.  He did not appear to be what the Abbot had been led to expect.  It was obvious that Fredrik did not care for the Archbishop.  That alone was a point in his favor.  The Abbot knew and respected Friar John.  If he was mentoring Fredrik, it could only be for the good.

"Are you perhaps considering marriage?" The Archbishop asked.

Rolf, standing near the door shifted uncomfortably.  The Abbot noticed it immediately.  He had been studying the King's companion as well.  Something was going on.  He would have some questions for Friar John later.

"I haven't ruled it out," was Fredrik's noncommittal reply.

"Yes, Lady Juliet is quite lovely; and of a very noble family."

That was true.  Her mother was cousin to the Emperor Himself.  Now, the Archbishop changed the subject.

"It is said that the Late King, your father, gave sanctuary to heretics and Jews."

This was also true.  There were a few Waldensian fugitives living in the mountain villages.  And a very small Jewish community in Waterton itself.  Little was said about it, but Fredrik had never known them to be disloyal to the crown.

"I hope, now that you've come to the throne, you might take a more orthodox position," the Archbishop continued.

Now the Abbot was uncomfortable.  While he was quite orthodox himself, he shared with Friar John, the opinion that any persecution of these groups, did more harm than good.  It had been the subject of many late night discussions between them.

But now Fredrik changed the subject again.

"Are you staying long with Duke Richard?"
"A few more days, perhaps," said the Archbishop.  He was irritated at being put off by the King.

There was a knock at the door.  One of the monks entered.  He bowed low to the Archbishop.
"It seems that the man you seek has already left the Abby, Your Eminence."
The Archbishop glared at the Abbot, who for his part, displayed no emotion.

"It seems you will have to seek elsewhere," the Abbot said.  "Perhaps you will stay and celebrate a Mass with us?"

The Archbishop stomped out without a reply.  He had no time for such things.

A short time later, Fredrik met Karl and the peasant Garth, at the Red Onion.  The proprietor of the inn was friendly to Midmont, and the Red Onion was the inn of choice for most travelers from Waterton.  He was in fact, the one who had taken in Elise and her mother, years ago.

Fredrik gave them instructions to be ready to move on a moment's notice.  He hoped to leave that very night, if all went well.

Duke Richard was angry.  He had had to ask the Archbishop for a favor and gotten nothing in return.  King Fredrik had left for his own room early, leaving behind a disappointed Juliet.  But the Archbishop stayed long at table, as usual.
When the Duke was finally alone, Damson came to him.

"My Lord, I have someone you need to see.  He has just come from Waterton."
"Bring him in."

The Duke was expecting news from Slythain, but he was shocked by the appearance of the man Damson brought to him.  Krawley's clothes were filthy and  torn.  He had the look of a hunted animal.  He dropped to his knees and waited.

"Well, what is it man?" the Duke demanded.
"Slythain, My Lord, has been arrested."
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, My Lord.  And he has broken down under torture.  I barely escaped myself."

After swimming the lake, Krawley had fled across the mountains on foot, barely evading the Ranger patrols.

The Duke was silent.  Finally he addressed Damson.

"And Fredrik… does he know this?"

"I know not, My Lord."

The Duke thought for a moment.

"Fredrik must not leave this castle."  He walked to the window, and looked out into the gathering darkness.  Then he spoke to Damson.

"Get this man out of here."

Anna was carrying a tray of empty plates down to the kitchen, when the Duke's door opened.  Damson and the other man pushed past her knocking the tray from her hands.  As she began to gather up the pieces, she heard the Duke call after them.
"Remember; Fredrik is not to leave this castle!"

He glanced at down at Anna, cleaning up the mess and muttered,
"Clumsy bitch."

She was glad for once to be ignored.  As the Duke's guards resumed their place at the door, she made her way back to the kitchen.  Fredrik must be warned.  As soon as possible, she slipped out of the kitchen, and carefully so not to be seen, she made her way to Fredrik's room.

She knocked softly.  Rolf opened the door, and pulled her quickly inside.  After checking for observers, he shut the door.
Anna was surprised to find a number of other people there.

In addition to Rolf and the King, she recognized Friar John.  There were two other men there, apparently some of Fredrik's own guardsmen.  And then she saw Elise.

Elise was wearing a new dress, provided by Fredrik.  The beautiful cross was around her neck.  On the table lay a bouquet of wild flowers.  She looked frightened.

Fredrik looked at Anna and smiled.

"Good.  I was just sending Rolf to find you.  We hope to have a more fitting ceremony soon, at Waterton, but this will have to do for now."

Elise hurried to Anna.  She looked relieved to see her.

"Anna, I'm afraid.  I'm glad you're here now."

Anna hugged the girl, and whispered,
"Don't be afraid.  It will be alright."

But then she turned back to the King.

"Your Majesty, please; I overheard it in the hall from the Duke, himself.  He means to keep you here as his prisoner."

Elise turned to Fredrik in surprise.

"Your Majesty?"

Fredrik walked to her and took her hand.

"I meant to tell you."

Elise tried to pull her hand away.  But he would not let her.

"Who are you, really?" she asked.

"I..." he began, but couldn't finish.

Anna reached and placed her own hands on theirs.  She looked into Elise's face and told her.

"He is Fredrik, King of Midmont." 

And of course, One can still read from the beginning at "Schwan" in the sidebar.