Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Schwan (13 A Hidden Passage)

The story continues with our next chapter, "A Hidden Passage"

13 A Hidden Passage

"He is Fredrik, King of Midmont."

Anna's words stunned Elise.  Why hadn't he told her.  She was angry at first.  But then she began to understand.  She could hear him speaking to her.

"...I was afraid if you knew... I didn't want to be King Fredrik to you... only Fredrik… a man - your man."

Elise stopped trying to pull away from him, and looked into his eyes.  He was the same man she had spent those nights with.  Still the same man who had treated her with respect when no one else would.  What did it matter if he was also a King?  

Elise went to the table and picked up the flowers.

It was a short ceremony, yet dignified.  Friar John heard their vows.  Anna placed Elise's hand into Fredrik's.  And so, Elise became Queen of Midmont on that cool summer evening.

But now there were new concerns.  Fredrik had hoped to slip out of the Dukes castle, and start for home this very night.  But Anna's news complicated matters.  Perhaps he had been foolish to come here at all.  But when he looked at Elise he was sure he had done the right thing.

Still, he had no desire to be held hostage.  And now with any hope of a marriage to Juliet out of the question, he could expect only treachery from the Duke.  When Duke Richard found out about Elise he would be furious.  If only there were some way to turn the tables on him.

"So, he means to hold me hostage.  And he murdered my father."

Anna looked at him in shock.  She had not known this.

"But I mean to leave this place tonight."

"Tonight?" asked Elise.  She ran to Anna.  "You must come with me!"  She looked to her husband hopefully.  
"Certainly, if that's what she wishes."

It did not take long for Anna to make up her mind.  There was little to keep her here, and even less with Elise gone.
"I'm ready," was all she said.

"Will you swear allegiance to myself, and the Crown of Midmont?"
"Gladly, your Majesty."

And so Anna became a subject of King Fredrik with all it's rights and privileges.. and present dangers.

Now Anna approached King Fredrik with Elise beside her.

"Your Majesty," she began, "What if there was a way to get into the Duke's private apartments, unseen?"

"Is there such a way?"
"There is."

"And how do you know this?" he asked.

"When I was younger..."  And here she choked and began to cry.

Fredrik motioned Friar John to join them.  When Anna saw the priest, she dropped to her knees clutching his habit.

"What is it, sister?" he asked gently.

"When I was young, I was a pretty thing.  One day the Duke saw me in the town, and brought me here to the castle.  You can guess the rest."

Here she looked up to the monk's face, searching.

"I  didn't want to... I knew it was wrong... But what choice did I have?"  

Now she looked at Elise.

"I became with child, by the Duke.  That was when he brought your mother here.  But I was glad to be done with him, so I thought.  But my daughter died at birth.  It was my punishment from God.  Shortly after that, your mother died.  And so, I was once more the Duke's plaything.  But I vowed to keep you, Elise, in place of my lost child."

Now she turned back to the Friar.

"Can God ever forgive me?  Am I dammed forever?"

There was dead silence in the room.  Then the Priest pulled her to her feet.

"The Savior has already forgiven you, sister."

Anna gave a sigh from the depths of her soul.  She stood still for a long time, a peaceful smile on her face.  No one else dared speak.

Now Anna addressed Fredrik once again.

"The Duke does not like for everyone to know his affairs.  There is a passage, into his chamber, that few know of.  But I was often brought to him by it."

"And could we use this passage?" asked the King, suddenly interested.  

Duke Richard of Morlana had just poured himself another glass of wine.  It was late, but he was too restless to sleep.  He wondered if he had acted too hastily.  There was no proof that Fredrik knew of Slythain's arrest.  But he couldn't take the chance.

For the time being, he would say nothing to the King.  As long as Fredrik didn't realize that he was a hostage, there would be no harm.  And maybe Juliet would have her way with him yet.

He was completely unprepared when the hidden door suddenly opened, and Fredrik and Rolf rushed into the room.  In his surprise he lost his one chance to cry out.  Now while Rolf held a dagger to his throat, he faced King Fredrik, himself.

Rolf spoke quietly-
"Give me the word, your Majesty, and I'll cut his throat now."

But Fredrik raised his hand.

"We can leave by the way we entered," Rolf continued in a low voice - "No one will even know we were here."

Now, for the first time, the Duke saw Anna, standing in the passage.

"You!" he spat the word out. "Traitor!"

"Take care how you address my subjects, vermin!"

Rolf grasped the Duke tighter.  Duke Richard felt a slight trickle of blood down his neck.  

"Traitor?" Fredrik continued, "This, coming from you?  

"I would like nothing better than to cut your throat myself, at this very moment.  But I also know of your plot against me.  And we need you alive… for the moment." 

Fredrik gagged the Duke, and bound his hands tightly behind him.  Then they barricaded the door.  Anna led the way back though the hidden passages.  The castle was honeycombed with them, and Anna had explored them thoroughly, over the years.  She led the way back to Fredrik's own room.

The Duke was surprised to find it filled with people.  There were Fredrik's two Guardsmen, wearing the Duke's own livery, stolen from a store room.  There was the monk, Friar John, and another smaller figure, in the habit of the friars.
As Anna slipped into another of the monk's robes, Fredrik addressed the Duke.

"You had hoped for me to take a wife here.  I am pleased to tell you, that indeed, I did find one.  And for that, I must thank you.  Now, kneel before Queen Elise, of Midmont."

Fredrik motioned to Elise to step forward.  She did so timidly.  Fredrik's Guardsmen forced the Duke to his knees, as she pulled back her hood.

Duke Richard's face contorted in rage as he realized who she was.  This girl who would never have dared to even look at him, was no longer intimidated.   Somehow, she even looked royal now.

His only consolation was that they were not out of the castle yet.  And he had given orders to prevent that.

To be continued of course!

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