Monday, February 22, 2016

Post Season Repairs

Winter can be a bit rough on some of our outdoor spaces.
The Fuzz and His Sweetie have a sort of patio out here with a fire pit.  It's usually covered with a tarp to keep the sun and rain off when they sit out here in the summer.  It's a nice place to enjoy dinner or maybe a glass of wine.
But with the wind, ice and snow, these tarps can take a beating.
Last summer they were gone so much that The Fuzz never bothered to maintain them.  And after all, they had their new pond to enjoy!
But there is still a place for this nice little area.
He had rigged a more modest system that would be easier to maintain, but it had gotten pretty battered by the weather.

While at the local "Discount store" they picked up a $5 tarp and voila!

But there was a downside to the affair.
You might notice the bench under the tarp.
Well that sucker is pretty heavy, and that Ambitious Fuzz foolishly tried to move it by himself.

Here we go again!

1 comment:

Davey Doo said...

Yeah tarps now days are Made like new cars only meant to last a year or so.