Monday, February 08, 2016

Schwan (9 Two Dinner Parties)

Time for a little bit more of our story, a tail of imaginary people and an imaginary kingdom.

This tale can be read from the beginning at "Schwan" in the sidebar at the right.

9 Two Dinner Parties

That evening the Duke provided a banquet for his guests.  There were musicians, and the wine flowed freely.  Juliet and Marianne were both very attentive to Fredrik, insisting that his cup remain filled.  They sat at either side of him, vying for his attention.

All the time the Duke watched closely, looking for some sign that his plans were working.  But Fredrik did not seem to be living up to his reputation.  The Duke was beginning to think that he might have to take the Archbishop's advice.

He looked at the Archbishop in disgust.  He was already drunk, and seemed unable to keep his eyes off of the Duke's daughters.  Fredrik, on the other hand, was making an effort to remain sober, despite being constantly pawed by both Juliet and Marianne.  In tending Fredrik's cup, they had not been neglecting their own.

Eventually the Archbishop's attentions returned to Marguerite at his side.  Marianne, looking a bit green, left the table and disappeared for a time.  Fredrik was left with Juliet.

"Tell me about Midmont," she said.

"Midmont?" he asked.  His home was very different than this place.

So he began to tell her about the lake, surrounded by mountain peaks.  And he described the town of Waterton, with it's castle rising from rocky shore of the the lake.  He got a faraway look as he spoke of the mountain valleys with their tiny villages hanging on the mountainsides.

"I think I should like such a place," She told him.  "I am tired of this place."
"I think you would be bored there," Fredrik told her.
"You hurt my feelings," she returned with a pout.

Fredrik looked at her, wondering if he had gone too far with his words.  Perhaps he had been unfair.

"You make it sound so beautiful, I should like to see it.  I could come and visit you there, if you would like."

Juliet had placed her hand on his arm as she spoke.  Fredrik tried to picture her at the castle on the lake.  But his mind was filled with Elise instead.  He realized that Juliet was watching him, waiting for a reply.

"We'll see what happens," he told her.
Juliet smiled.  She thought he was thinking of her.

The Duke had been watching.  Juliet's smile was encouraging.  Maybe things were finally beginning to go his way.

The Porter had walked Elise to Fredrik's room again, and told her to wait there.  
"He asked for you again.  I don't know why," he said dismissively.

Anna had been gathering up the things from the dinner party and bringing them down to the kitchen.  When she got there, with the last of them, the Porter called her over to join him where he sat at the table.  He had already finished one tankard of ale, and was starting on his second.

"Annie, Annie, come sit with old Joe for a bit," he told her.
Anna looked over to the cook apprehensively.  He was already shorthanded with Elise gone.  He scowled at her.

"Don't worry about him," the Porter said loud enough for the cook to overhear, "If he says anything, I'll have him whipped." 

Joseph, the Porter was in charge of all domestic duties in the Duke's castle.  Under the Duke, his word was law.  As Anna sat opposite him, he called out to the cook.

"You!  Bring more ale, and one for the lady!"

The cook brought it, angrily.  He stood there glaring at the Porter, who was ignoring him.  Finally the Porter looked up.
"Don't you have something to do?  I'll call you when I want you."
The cook walked off in a rage.  Anna could hear him cursing the sculleries.  The Porter looked at her.
"Drink!" he commanded.

Anna obeyed.  Joseph drained one cup and picked up the other.  He sat, looking into the tankard for a minute or so.  Then looked up at her.

"You know, you're still a good looking woman, Annie.  I remember when the Duke first brought you here.  I had hoped we could..."  Then he paused again.  "But the Duke is the jealous sort, you know."
Anna drank her beer in silence as the Porter rambled on.

"People like him, they do whatever they want.  We just do what they tell us...  Don't we, Annie.

"Like this King here," he snorted.  "He insists that I take that little bitch, Elise, to his room every night.  Sure, she's pretty enough, once you get her cleaned up.  But he could have Lady Juliet, a noble beauty, or her sister.   The Duke would love to arrange it.  But he prefers a tumble with some stinking little kitchen wench.  But they say he is like that, don't they."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?  When he was in Paris, all he did was drink, and chase whores."

This did not sound like the man she'd just met.

Anna spent the next hour listening to the Porter's monologue.  He became less and less coherent, until he got shakily to his feet.  She had to help him to his own room.  Once there, he made a clumsy attempt to kiss her.  Anna left him asleep on his bed.  She did not return to the kitchen.  Let the cook think what he wanted.

When Fredrik returned  to his room, Elise was waiting, standing by the window.

"The Porter said you wanted to see me, sir."
"Elise, I've been waiting all day to see you again."

It was what she had wanted to hear.  But doubts had begun to disturb her.  What did he really want?

But she forgot all that now, as they sat together over a late meal.  Fredrik did not eat much himself, having been with the Duke earlier.  But he made Elise comfortable as she ate, and drank.

After a time, Elise got up her nerve to ask the question that had filled her mind all day.  He had never even told her his name.
"Who are you, really?"

Fredrik just looked at her and sighed.

"I know you came with that King from Midmont.  But who are you?"

Fredrik had been dreading this, knowing it would come up at some point.
"I'm just one of the Rangers," he told her.  It was a half truth.

She touched his sword, laying on the table beside them;   It was obviously a superior weapon.

"You are not just any Ranger," Elise said watching him closely.  "Are you a captain... are you a knight?"

"Something like that," he answered.

She could see he didn't want to say any more about it.  But that only made her more curious.  Now emboldened, she told him;
"Tell me about yourself,".  "What is your name?  You know mine."

"Just call me Freddy."


"Yes, that's what my sister calls me."

"What's her name, Freddy?"
"Lily," he answered, hoping she would not make the connection.

She did not.  Elise was not familiar with the Royal House of Midmont.  Fredrik was relieved as she continued.

"My mother was from Midmont.  I think I was born there."  Her eyes seemed to be looking at something far away now as she said, "I'd like to see it some day."

"Perhaps you will."

"No... I have to stay here.  But tell me, what is it like?"
"It is beautiful, you will love it."

Elise thought that an odd choice of words.  But she listened with pleasure as Fredrik described his homeland, and unbeknownst to her, his Kingdom.  


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