Thursday, February 18, 2016

Schwan (11 A Quick Escape)

The Fuzz says that if we're ever going to get to the end of this thing, we'll have to keep plugging along.  And so Kinda Fuzzy presents our latest installment of Schwan: "A Quick Escape".

And of course "Schwan" is also available in the sidebar.

11 A Quick Escape

It was very early.  Krawley had not slept well.  In fact, not at all.  He had tossed and turned all night.
Ever since he had heard of Slythain's arrest, he had expected a knock on the door.  Potten had disappeared in the middle of the night.  At the inn, all he was told was that Potten had left town hurriedly.

Krawley finally gave up on trying to sleep.  He got up and began pacing the floor in the dark.  When his wife could stand it no longer, she got out of bed herself, and lit a candle.

"I knew nothing good would come of this," she began.
"You liked the few extra coins well enough."
"What good are coins, when you've lost your head?  Can you spend them then?"

Krawley had sat down next to  the candle.  Now he shifted nervously on his stool.  He had heard a rumor that Slythain had been taken for questioning under torture.  He didn't expect much of him.

"We need to go and stay with your mother," he told his wife.

"What?  That's half way to Solland!  I don't want to be up there on the side of that mountain!"  She went on, "And the Rangers are there too.  You should have thought of this!  I knew it would be nothing but trouble."

She went on like this until Krawley could stand it no more.  He stood up and slapped her hard.  
"Shut up! Damn you!"

Frieda retreated into the darkness, sobbing quietly.

They heard the sound of men passing in the street.  Krawley peeked out carefully.  Several armed men were moving by torchlight, headed for the inn.  His heart began pounding, and he felt a coldness in the pit of his stomach.  As he got to his feet, there came a pounding at the door.

Their house was located at the edge of the town, along the lakeside.  The town side of the wall was low, only chest high.  On the other side it dropped away, to the lake below.  Krawley pushed open the back window, and dropped to the walkway along the wall.  Then there was the sound of the door giving way, and he heard men running toward him in the dark.  With nowhere else to go, he climbed onto the wall, and leaped into the lake.

Frieda was left huddled in the corner, clutching her two children.

"What are you doing, Fredrik?"

Rolf couldn't believe what was happening.  Fredrik, the King of Midmont, had betrothed himself to a scullery maid, that he had only known for two days.

"I know you think I've lost my mind, Rolf."

"What happened?  Did you sleep with her, and now you feel guilty?"

Fredrik looked at him in surprise.

"Is that what you think?" he asked.

"No... No... Forgive me.  I just don't understand.  You are the King, she's only..."

"Only what?  A commoner?  Haven't you learned anything about us yet?"

Rolf was surprised at his word "us".  Was it intentional?  What did he mean by that?  But he quickly put it out of his mind.  Fredrik was speaking again.

"Rolf, get our horses ready.  I need to see Friar John at the Abby."

As Elise came into the kitchen that morning, she was met by the Cook.  He was still in a ugly mood from the night before.  He stopped her.

"You look happy enough this morning…  Have another big night?"

Elise was taken by surprise.  She didn't know what to say.
The Cook continued.

"You're in love, aren't you.  You think he loves you," he said sarcastically.  "You stupid little whore.  You'll believe anything."  He laughed cruelly.  "Now get to work!"

Elise stumbled across the kitchen, and began her chores.  Anna has seen it all.  After a few minutes, when the Cook wasn't watching, she went to Elise.

Elise's hand was clutching something beneath her dress.  Her cheeks were wet.

"What is it, child?  Don't listen to him."

Elise slowly withdrew the cross from her bosom, and opened her hand to reveal it.  Anna took a deep breath.  It was a work of art, and probably worth a fortune.

"He gave me this."
Anna reached over and touched it with her finger.  
"Elise, this is..."

"He want's to marry me."  Then she looked into Anna's eyes searching.  "Can it be true?  Is this all real?"
Anna held the cross in her hand.

"Well, this is certainly real."

The Abbot of St Peter's Abby was not a happy man.  He did not like the Archbishop.  The Abbot took his own vows seriously, and had nothing but distain for those who did not.   They were the ones who gave the Church a bad name.  The Abbot did not consider the Archbishop his Superior.  His loyalty was to his own Order.

But there were practical considerations as well.  Now, the Archbishop was here, demanding he turn over one of his guests for "questioning".  He made a sign to one of the Brothers as he stalled the Archbishop with some wine.

"While you are here, your Eminence, you must sample this vintage.  We've only recently opened the cask."

He knew the Archbishop had no real appreciation for a fine wine.  But then neither he would turn down a drink - or two.

His messenger found Friar John with Fredrik and Rolf.  Karl was sitting off to the side.

"The Abbot wants you to know that the Archbishop is here.  He wants to take your friend”- he nodded toward Karl -“ to the castle; and to the Duke."

Karl looked up in alarm.  The monk lowered his voice.

"There is a back gate though the wall, in the garden.  It will not be locked."

Then he was gone.

Karl quickly got to his feet.

"You best get out of here," Fredrik told him.  "Go to the Red Onion Inn.  Ask for Garth.  He is with us."

Karl bowed low.
"Yes Your Majesty."
"And Karl?"

"Thank you for your service to the Crown."
"I only did my duty, Your Majesty."

"Now get on out of here.  You will hear from us soon."

Friar John took Karl to the garden.  Then Fredrik and Rolf went to the Abbot, and the Archbishop.

To be continued...

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