Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Not Pumped

It has probably been mentioned here before that The Fuzz and His Sweetie have a routine of taking turns at spending one night a week back over at the Old Place.
They find that it is conducive to maintaining their sanity since The Fuzz's retirement.
This week it was The Fuzz's turn.
When he got there, he made a quick test of the kitchen sink.  The water came on fine -
But then slowly lost pressure and quit.
Needless to say, this was not a good thing.
While he could not hear the pump (which is under the kitchen) running, he did hear a hum somewhere down there.
It was time to take a look.
It was kinda dark down there.
But Our Fuzz had no trouble detecting the source of the sound.
The motor was not turning.
So was the problem the motor - or pump?
Either way, the thing was broke!
Here's a better look.

These things don't last forever of course.
Some years ago, The Fuzz had replaced the pump.  And to be honest about it, he did not get the High-Dollar-Top-Of-The-Line one.
(He's kinda cheap like that)
And then, a couple of years ago, he had to replace the tank.
(Which is why it is all shiny and new looking)

Well, it looks like it's time for another new pump!
But that project will have to wait for now.
So for the time being, it's back to the old Bucket & Rope!

1 comment:

Woodie said...

heave - ho as the say.