Sunday, April 12, 2020


I don't really normally get a whole lot of social interaction, living alone here.  But what little there is, has been severely limited with this Covid-19 business.
And I can only look at so much Youtube without completely loosing it.

So, I resorted to playing with Photoshop.
So here…

I think it looks prettier than all those corona virus things we keep seeing everywhere.
The Fuzz used to post "Mystery Pix" here at Kinda Fuzzy.
Maybe it's time to bring that back.

Of course, that was back in the days when people actually still looked at this blog.
But, I'll throw one out there.
If anyone happens to see this, they can post a guess in the comments.
Sooner or later, we'll have an exciting reveal of this latest
Mystery Pix!


Violet said...

Welll.... Looks like dandilion would be too obvious...but I guess I'm going with that...

Woodie said...

ha it looks like someone beat me to my guess. Our corner neighbors were trying to preserve dandelions a few years ago. They would spray them with hair spray to keep them from blowing away. This irked our resident lawn care specialist to no end.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

For sure a Dandelion. Closeups of them are really trippy.