Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hey… It Might Work !

Haven't been away from the house for over a week now.  And I'll admit, that could make one just a little crazy.
But there doesn't seem to be an end in sight at this time.
I try to stay caught up on the news and all - although there are times I wonder just how good an idea that is.
Apparently it will be awhile until there is a vaccine or treatment for this plague.

But now, perhaps there is hope with a more unconventional treatment!

Now, I realize this idea has been widely disparaged.
But perhaps it should be reconsidered.
For one thing, it has been suggested by someone that has been heralded as a genius!
And then, it does kill germs.  It says so right on the bottle!

Being stuck here at the house forever has given me a lot of time to think this over, without any distractions.
And in a strange way, it does make sense if you think it through.
I mean, if it works on countertops, why not on people.
Or even in people.
Once the virus is inside a person, it's just a matter of getting the treatment in there too.
It's remarkably simple, so easy to understand.
It shouldn't have taken such a great genius to realize it.

Maybe some sort of inhaler to get it into the lungs.  That way we probably won't even need all those ventilators.
Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.

But I think it could be very effective as a prevention.
A few CC's in a concentrated form, injected into an artery, could prevent one from even contracting the plague.
And maybe anything else as well!

As for myself, guess I'll just keep socially distancing for now, and hope for the best.
Stay well, y'all.


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