Tuesday, April 07, 2020

A Bright Spot

Here in The Old North State we're under a stay-at-home order.  This has put a damper on a lot of things.  I did slip out to take care of a few necessary things though.
Got the car inspected - necessary to renew the tag which is about to expire.
And then over to the tag office.

At the inspection place, there were signs posted to stay in the car.  So I got to enjoy the nice car seat whilst the Inspector-Person went about his business.  They even brought the bill to the car for me to pay.
Curb Service!

At the tag office, each had to wait outside for their turn.  I, of course, wore my spiffy home-made Covid-Mask.
On the plus side, there were not many people there, which was unusual, but also made for a conveniently short wait.

And since I was already out, I stopped by the feed store to pick up a couple of tomato plants.
A quick stop at the rather empty grocery store, and then home to the socially distanced house.

And here's a little bright spot for these troubled times, another sign of springtime!

The Fuzz got this cool Iris from an older lady at the farmers market a couple years ago.

It's done rather well.

Hang in there



Violet said...

I remember that there used to be a bunch of those on the border of the property with Iris's old house? Am I remembering that right or am I confusing my own self?

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

I’m thinking it was day lilies there. But there were some iris up at the end of the driveway.