Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fungoid Fun

We've been having plenty of rain around here lately.  As a result, it's been tending a toward the damp side.  And damp lends itself to our Fungoid Friends.

I found this weird guy in the yard.

It always amazes me the variety of fungi one finds.
But I think this one is a first for me.
There was another strange one down in the back yard yesterday, but I was lazy and didn't get a shot at the time.
Big mistake.
When I went back today, it was gone - vanished without a proverbial trace.

You would think I'd learned my lesson by now.
If you want a pix - get it now!
Of course, some of us are just slow learners, very slow.

I wanted to use the excuse of being depressed from all this social distancing.
But really…
How hard is it to carry a camera into the yard and touch the shutter?
But that's a thing about depression.  It doesn't always seem logical.

On the plus side, the garden is supplying lettuce and kale for salad now.
And there are a few of these guys on the way!
There's nothing like fresh vine ripened tomatoes to brighten one's day…
And of course one's dinner!

I do want to apologize for missing an interesting pix.
I would promise to do better in the future.
I don't like to make promises that I'm unlikely to keep.

But, here is one more fungoid pix to make up for the missing ones.


P. S. Here's a little something extra regarding fungi.

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