Monday, May 11, 2020

Zombies ?

A couple of weeks ago - or more… maybe… I don't really remember, I found a dead possum by the road in front of the house.
That was nothing unusual, of course.  This fellow had made the classic possum mistake of trying to cross the road… unsuccessfully, as is common.
While I have heard that there are people who think they are cute little things, I am not one of them.
(Used to have problems with them getting into the henhouse)
Consequently, I was not terribly sympathetic.  However, being quite dead, and right in front of my house, it would only be a matter of time until I would be unable to ignore it.  To make matters more inconvenient, it was a rather large fellow.

There was nothing to do but get out the shovel and go to work.
I managed to keep a reasonably sunny disposition as I prepared the grave.  After all, one less possum in the world could hardly be a bad thing overall.
Knowing that there are more, and worse things, prowling the darkness I made sure to add a cement block in way of a tombstone.

With this crazy "stay-at-home-stuff" going on now, it has become necessary to hand-wash undies and other stuff to avoid the laundromat.  And, while walking down to the clothesline with a basket of the unmentionables, I discovered this!

It seems that some loathsome creature of the night had paid a visit, and tunneled under the headstone, to indulge in a disgusting act of grave-robbing.
Is nothing sacred?

At least this is what I hope has happened.
The alternative is too terrifying to contemplate.
Could it be possible that an undead possum, clawed it's way from the grave, and is even now, wandering forrest and field as a terrifying
Zombie Possum!!?

Perhaps I should sleep with a garlic charm from now on - just to play it safe!



Ansley said...

Great writer.Great story of lifes everyday things that happen and a great "what if." If you go down under the info about Jandi there is an awesome little info about Jandi's look on life about fish and bicycles. To funny!

Violet said...

HAHAHA - zombie Possums! That's a terrifying thought!

Wonder what would want a midnight snack on that nasty little creature... (love the tombstone!).