Thursday, February 22, 2007

Really Getting Into This

As you probably realize, we finally made it into the truck. This is not one of those flip-flopy things, we really are on the right side. Of course in this case, the right side, is the right side. Since all our cans will be on the right side, we need to be on the right side also. This takes some getting used to, unless maybe you have some experience with the postal service. When I first started doing this, I rode home on my bike, so I didn't really "re-normalize" and scared the doodoo out of my sweetie when we got into a normal vehicle.
The thing with the three buttons that grabs your attention is what works the arm. I guess it's a little like a video game. I don't play video games. Pull back, it goes up, push is down, side to side, is in and out. Sounds simple but can get hairy in a hurry. If you have to grab a can that is close to anything, there is a good chance you'll accidentally destroy it. It happens. Your yellow button grabs, green lets go. The red cycles the packer. On the far left, there is a thing that resembles a tiny computer monitor, this can be set to pack automatically. This is not a good idea, since it will happen when you don't want it to. Just remember to use the red button as needed and you won't have garbage falling out all over the place. You can see when you need to do this in this TV-looking thing. Mostly you use this to see if the garbage is falling out of the can so you don't put it down too quick, and throw garbage everywhere. You can also see behind the truck when you have to back up. And you will have to back up more than you want to.
The other knobs and switches are normal truck stuff, Heater, Fan, and even Air Conditioning ! Wow ! Nice in the summer. And most importantly is some stuff to lock all the differentials and axles and stuff. This is so you can get really good and stuck before they have to pull you out of the mud with the bulldozer at the landfill.

More really great stuff in the future !


Anonymous said...

WOW, that looks pretty complex... cool

The Lazy Iguana said...

Sounds complicated. But having a joystick type thing in your truck is beyond cool.

But really - did these trucks displace human jobs??

Anonymous said...

how long did it take you to adjust not only to driving while sitting in the right side of the vehicle and then to acquire a tasteful art to dumping the load? just curious..