Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am not pushing водка here, but I thought this was interesting.

The Fuzz's Sweetie sometimes worries about the various critters imbibing his antifreeze. This is real antifreeze, like one puts in a car or truck to keep from busting the block, or at least the radiator.

It seems a certain person, on a visit "Down Under", was either very stupid, or, very thirsty, and had himself a big drink of the stuff. It seems that the antidote for this stuff, is Vodka ! Who would have thunk or thought it !

Let me state at this point, that The Fuzz does not recommend this method for obtaining Vodka when one is a little short of funds or something like that. It does appear that this fellow survived, and is not blind or anything.

But now we all know that this "medicinal use" stuff is not BS. So go ahead, enjoy your водка.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Uhhhh...I think I will just drink the vodka and leave the anti-freeze alone.

I worry about critters getting in the antifreeze too. So when the radiator leaks I wash the stuff away with a lot of water. Not that this happens with the not that old truck. Toyota makes good stuff.

I have a shop flush the antifreeze when it needs it. I could do it myself but I have no good way to collect and properly dispose of the used coolant.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

You need antifreeze in that tropical paradise ? I guess they do call it "coolant" don't they.

Anonymous said...

i heard about that guy, he was on a vodka drip for days, and his hangover wore off before he even woke up.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Fuzz - yes I use antifreeze. It has a higher boiling point than water. This is important in hot weather to reduce boil over. It also does a better job loosing heat than water, another important thing here in the heat.

But mostly, antifreeze affords much better corrosion protection, as well as lubrication for the water pump and so on. There is no rust in my cooling system.