Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fire Wood '07

Last winter, The Fuzz had an adventure with a certain rather large tree. As the weather turned warmer, a sizable piece of the trunk remained. Since it was not needed immediately, it remained, and kept remaining. Now the weather is turning cooler again, in fact there was frost this morning, so it was time to do something about this situation.
Here we can see some of the complications.
#1, The saw will not cut all the way through the tree. This is not in itself a big problem. Normally, The Fuzz would simply work from both sides and have more than enough saw. But now we come to complication #2.
#2, The proximity of fence. There is no room to safely operate a Chain-saw between fence and tree. The Fuzz may be a little bit crazy, but he has learned (the hard way) to respect the Chain-saw. The Fuzz is not a young man any more, not exactly "over the hill", but he couldn't just carry that thing away from the fence. Now it was time to get creative. The Fuzz rummaged though his extensive inventory of equipment, and came out with the ol' come-along. These things are pretty handy, sort of a poor man's winch. The Fuzz has used this thing to pull his truck out of the mud, and even swapped engines with it, among other things.
That log was heavy, and the come-along was over loaded, but it did move it. Just enough.
And so, three tanks of gas later, here's what we have.
Of course, these blocks will have to be busted, but that's what Power Equipment is about.

Still no more rain.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Well you do not want your logs to get wet. Cause then they are harder to burn.

Do you use a hydraulic log splitter, or a wedge and a sledge hammer?

Anonymous said...

looks like that ought to last a little white. We had to turn our heat on lst night... it's turning into a real fall, now.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

L- Gave up on the wedges and all for the most part. Isn't Technology wonderful.