Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No Rain

I saw this Happy Couple at the Renaissance Faire when we were there.

There's not much going on around here, we're still waiting for some rain. The Weather Service keeps making these promises, but they seem to be the same sort you hear around elections. So the well is still empty. It rained about 5 minutes the other night. Just enough to wet up my truck seat though the open windows. After that it quit. The old wash the car trick is out too since we're not supposed to do that sort of thing any more. Maybe planning a camping trip would work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL on the camping trip. :-) We just got a bit of rain here this morning. Hope it's heading your way! I woke up this morning to "100 days of water left". I've never been so happy to hear the rain.