Sunday, October 14, 2007

We went to the Renaissance Fair

It is that time of year again. The Fuzz, Sweetie and Young Daughter made their annual pilgrimage to the Renaissance Festival. They all enjoy this as it gives them an excuse to wear Funny Clothes and hang out with other folks who like Funny Clothes too. Of course, there is more to it than Funny Clothes. There is also the opportunity to spend mucho dinero. But one can enjoy oneself without impoverishing oneself. Of course, if one wishes to spend one's life savings, there is ample opportunity. I think we don't realize just how advanced the Renaissance Culture was, especially their Banking System. Here you can see that they even had the convenience of ATMs.
But the above Street Scene is one of the reasons The Fuzz and His return each year.
Now, one does not have to wear Funny Clothes to enjoy their visit, but it is more fun that way. There are establishments that rent Funny Clothes to those unfortunates who don't have their own. (Or might be too embarrassed to be seen driving around in them.)
The crowd is not too thick in the morning, but picks up as the day progresses. There are a number of Acts going on in various places throughout the day, but The Fuzzy Group was mostly content to merely wander around, stopping when something caught their attention. There will probably be more cool stuff from this visit in future posts. So, so long, for now.

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