Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fancy Fixtures

The Fuzz may be having troubles with vehicles lately, but he hasn't let that keep him down. Check out these brand new kitchen faucets here.

Notice the cheap plastic crap that was removed.

The Fuzz and His Sweetie slipped over to the Home Improvement Store for a quality fixture. They've been slipping over there a lot lately. Pretty soon the Home Improvement Store will have all their money. But they have been very patriotic, and are doing their part to stimulate the economy.
The Fuzz says that with the government printing all that new money, we might as well spend ours now, while it's still worth something, and have something to show for it.
They also purchased a bunch of paint and a shower curtain rod. This ingenious device does not require any sort of mounting fixtures. One simply twists this thing, and an internal spring applies tension against the wall, thus, holding it firmly in place. The Fuzz was somewhat concerned that it might poke a hole though the thin wallboard, but so far, every thing seems to be OK.


deftgurl said...

nice faucet. that looks very close to the one we put in last fall in our kitchen. the tall ones make large pasta pots easier to fill. :) very nice.

maria said...

cool! progress i see!