Monday, May 25, 2009

On The Job

You may recall how The Fuzz had been working on a trailer hitch for this little car. With his truck seemingly out of action, and a pressing need to keep working on our new Home In The Woods, it seemed like the best plan.
Now, here is a look at this rig on the job. Of course this lacks the macho image of a 4x4 and all, but it seems to get the job done. And isn't that the point anyway?
But there are times when one does miss that 4x4 aspect. We had to move some plywood out there and that worked out just fine. But we have been getting a bit of rain lately, and this is a good thing when one recalls the passed dry years. It rained while we were there the other day and, as you can see, the ground was quite wet. But we were careful and made it back out OK.
We are hoping to get some underpinning and another "porch" done soon. After that we should be "approved" by the county, and can start the long process of actually making this place habitable.


deftgurl said...

ah, rain is good, looks like your drive may be an issue with much of it, tho.

Levi said...

Here in Germany it is very common for people to use trailer hitches on cars much smaller then a Honda Accord. So it's still pretty macho.

maria said...

i wonder if gravel would help the rain in the drive issue... eventually maybe?

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

I lot of people are using that ground up asphalt, but we have other priorities at this time.