Tuesday, May 26, 2009


LinkWell, so far the vote is going against this little feller. His refusal to make eye contact is working against him. Maybe he needs a better lawyer. The jury is still out, but it looks bad.
If you haven't had a chance yet to voice your opinion, there's still time.
In the mean time, let's just say that the whole litter was banished from the porch, which seemed to have a good effect. But don't think of this as a cruel punishment thing, it was more of a chance for them to begin to experience the wider world out there.


maria said...

may you can devise a little zapper that when it comes into contact with the porch - to ZAP the little tush!...i guess that would be considered mean tho.. but it might prove to be entertaining. Another option would be the way that the people (in the "olden" days) used to determine a witch - thow the possibly guilty off the porch. if they land - and live - they are guilty - if they die..whoops! they were innocent ...does sound kinda dumb I must say... who was the genius tha thought THAT one up

vi said...

I'm going for A... he looks like he'd try to skate out on his good looks.... trying awful hard to look innocent.