Monday, March 16, 2020

River Trail - Post Flood

A few years ago, the Fuzz put up a post about the new (at the time) 1st Broad River Trail.
Well it was pretty nice, and a good place to have a bit of a nature walk, and a little gentle walking exercise.
Well, not too long ago I went down there to enjoy the river and all.
This was shortly after all that rain we'd had.  I was surprise to find this scene.

This sign was also posted.

Well, a sign like that would never keep The Fuzz from having a look (as long as no cops were around) and me either.

Living a ways from the river, I hadn't realized just how much of a flood it had been.

One of the first things I noticed, other than the sand, was just how high the river must have been!

You can see the debris caught in this tree.  Probably 6ft above the trail level.

The river banks are a mess of twisted up trees.

And a lot of the bank has been washed away.

The arrow is pointing at a post that used to be one of the trail markers.

But one of the saddest sights was the cool suspension bridge.

Here's what is left of it now!


Closer look.

I don't know if there are any plans yet to fix this.
It will certainly be a big job - and expensive.
But I, for one, will miss it.


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