Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Staying Out of Jail

Under the present Covid-19 conditions, we're all supposed to stay home.  It's no secret that this gets old after awhile.  And can be a bit depressing.  You might wonder what's the point of getting out of bed.
I was feeling that way.

But then I remembered there was an important task just waiting for me!

I received this official piece of mail the other day, and promptly forgot about it.  Actually, that was pretty easy with the many years of perfecting my procrastination skills.
But then I received another little reminder.
And since…
had been conveniently translated into english, it seemed that I should finally have a more serious look at it.

Let's face it - the Covid-19 restrictions aren't all that bad, compared to jail time.

So I got the stuff out to have a look.

It wasn't all that intimidating.
It directed me to go to a special website, that it appeared google already knew about.  (Imagine that!)
It was pretty easy to fill out the questions, especially since I am the only one living here.  And so, now that's done, and I have a better chance at staying out of jail.

Another job, well done!


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