Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Another sign that Spring is on the way

Not a lot going on around here today.
Can't really go anywhere I guess.
Well, of course I could, but it's kinda being discouraged.
Still, they haven't hid the key to my car yet.
But I did go out for a bit yesterday.
Had to take the car for a windshield transplant.

A couple of years ago, while driving on I 85 a rock (I assume) popped up and into the glass.  It made a huge noise and scared the fool out of The Fuzz.
But rather than shattering, the only damage was a nasty little ding right in front of the driver.
It certainly could have been worse.
But lately this harmless little ding had begun to expand into a crack.  And since it was time to take the vehicle in for it's annual inspection, something would have to be done.
So an appointment was made at the local windshield place for a transplant.
They do make house calls.  But due to the possibility of rain, it needed to be done under cover, and the only cover here is a oak tree without leaves.
I'm happy to report that the transplant was successful.

On the down side…
Just heard the Governor announcing that they are closing the restaurants and bars.
Oh well…
Looks like going into town for a beer is out for now.


1 comment:

Violet said...

No Beers out - that's not the worst of it. At least we can still go get it ourselves!!