Thursday, December 07, 2006

Going.... Going.... Gone

The sun that is.
I was just tripping on how the light gets caught in the treetops as the sun slips below the horizon. Sometimes I don't think much about the sun moving, it's just day, or night. Maybe this is the little kid in me. Time works different when you're a kid. Lots of things work different when you're a kid. Now time (and the sun) moves plenty fast. Then, maybe it has something to do with this time of year, when the days get short.
We have a sundial out by the garden. It was pretty cool till I cut down a tree and broke off the little pointer thing. I think there's a name for that little pointer thing, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. I also have a neat little sundial compass that you can fold up and carry in your pocket. It's cordless and you don't even have to wind it up. Unfortunately it doesn't do well with time zones or daylight savings time. I still can't figure out how that saves time. You have to waste time changing all the clocks twice a year. But, I digress. If you pay attention, you can even watch the sun move.
That's what's so cool about sunrise and sunset. I think it may be best over the ocean. We don't have an ocean here, just trees, and hills, and stuff. We went to the beach last summer. My Sweetie is from the west coast. I had go to a lot of trouble to get her, but it was worth it of course. But she was really disoriented to see the sun set over the land, and vis versa. But I think the best place I ever watched the sun set was up on a mountain on the west coast. There I could see the curve of the horizon, and over the sea, the round sun ball. The kicker was the young moon putting in an appearance as well. Watching it all moving, I swear I could hear the music of the spheres.

1 comment:

The Lazy Iguana said...

Ah the joys of living in Florida! If I so choose (and it is very rare that I do) I can watch the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean side of the state. In about three hours I can drive across the state, and many times I have watched the sun set over the Gulf Of Mexico.

One time I saw both events on the same day. Not on purpose, it just kind of worked out that way.

There is one thing. In all these years I have yet to see the "green flash".