Sunday, December 10, 2006


We went to see it. I liked it, but I think a lot would depend on where you're at. It was accused of being a Christmas card, and I can see why someone might say that. As you can see, this picture looks exactly like a Christmas card. I think it would make a good one. People who think the story nonsense, probably won't see it anyway, I suppose. But if a person does believe, I think they might enjoy this retelling of it all. Just like today, most people didn't believe Mary's story then. That's understandable.
I'm aware that the "Christmas Season" is prechristian, and the Bible doesn't even say for sure when all this happened. But that's not the point. This is a good time to celebrate, so party hearty. We've got birthdays, Hanukah, anniversaries, Christmas, New Year's, and our family gathering ahead of us. So let's party.

1 comment:

The Lazy Iguana said...

EXACTLY! For as far back as we can trace history, the solstice was a time of celebration. Except for the Pre-Colombian civilizations in what is today Mexico and lands to the south.

But anyway, why not just enjoy the time of the year? Why nit-pick at the fine details? No matter what or who you believe in, an excuse to party and have a good time shall NOT be squandered!