Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Wild One

This one, named Angora, is a wild one. You don't touch this one. You don't get near this one. Maybe you can sneak up on her, almost. I've been told she is very soft, hence the name. But I wouldn't know, I can't get near her. As soon as she realized I was making her picture, she was gone. A close-up would be out of the question.
We didn't need an other cat. We had just gotten three kittens. It's good to have a few around to keep down the rodents. They also keep the birds from getting too uppity. You can't trust birds you know. I like to feed them sunflower seeds, but they're still birds, you know. But then just when the new kittens were getting settled in, her brother showed up. Just came up out of nowhere one day. I think they like the food. Eventually he got tamed down more or less. But then she showed up. The wild one. I doubt she'll ever get tame enough to pet on. But she is pretty, yes ?


Anonymous said...

Yes, very pretty. Though those eyes sure glow like she knows somethin' we don't.

Sounds like you have fur-fest over there, now... so that's 5 cats, give or take a few? You shouldn't have any rodent problems, that's for sure! :)

Anonymous said...

I have four cats. When one cat vanished and was never seen again, I was down to three cats. Then a neighbor "found" my lost cat but when I went there it turned out that they found a little kitten. So I ended up with that. The new little cat is tame however.

You can tame the wild one. It will just take time. It helps if the wild cat is not yet a year old, but it can be done even with older cats. Food and time is the key.

You should get a small animal trap. Even if you have no plans to tame the critter, you should get it fixed. Unless you want it to beat up your other cats (if it is a male) or end up with a bunch more kittens.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

I've heard calicos are all girls and the orange ones are boys.

The Lazy Iguana said...

I had a girl long haired orange fuzzy cat.

As for calicos, I have also heard the same thing. And I have seen no evidence to suggest that there are any male calico cats.

But the wild one is not a calico. A calico cat would have blotches of orange, black, and white. Like the picture of "Gigi" on my blog. However, if I had to guess by looking at only one photo of the cat, I would guess it is a female. It just does not have that "tom cat" look.