Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Burned Out

In the winter of course, we get rid of our paper trash in the Old Wood Stove. After all, paper is made of wood, right?
But in Hot Weather this is not a good solution. So we use the Burn Barrel.
Unfortunately this Burn Barrel has seen better times. In fact this is now a Two Piece Burn Barrel. Obviously this could be a Fire Hazard. So something had to be done.
The Fuzz's Sweetie has been busy these days rooting though his almost 30 year accumulation of stuff and she pulled out this old barrel. It had been used at one time for chicken feed, back in the days when we fed chickens.
But these days we don't feed chickens, so this barrel was a prime candidate for a new career as a Burn Barrel.
But there would need to be some modifications here. A decent Burn Barrel needs Draft. But since we're not referring to one of our favorite beverages here, The Fuzz brought out his trusty Pick. He uses this to dig holes in the extraordinarily hard ground around here. But it is also just the perfect tool for making an ordinary barrel into a real, first class, Burn Barrel.
Here is an inside look at The Fuzz's Modifications. The key here is Restraint. Just enough to get a good thorough burn with out attracting a lot of attention.
And I am pleased to report, that once again we had success. The new Burn Barrel was tested the same day and exceeded all expectations.


The Lazy Iguana said...

I would have used my M1 Garand and a few 30-06 shells.

More fun, less work. Also more illegal.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Sounds like overkill.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Overkill? Possibly. Fun? Yea.

If the 30-06 is too much I also have a 30-30, 8mm mauser, .303 British, and some funky 7.5mm Swiss rifles. But all those bullets are about the same size (diameter wise) as the 30-06, or .3 inches.

The .22 may even have done it, but you have to be careful with those little bullets as they can bounce off things and come back at you. Not good.

And then there is the trusty 9mm pistol.

But it would have probably violated the law in some manner to use the quick and loud method. The pick was probably more legal.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

That 30-06 ammo is high too.