Friday, August 01, 2008

A Nice Stand of Okra

It had been hot and dry here. Not real good garden weather. But the Okra is doing fine.
Okra does OK with hot and dry, which is a good thing with the way the weather has been lately. We have had a few messes already. The Fuzz's Sweetie fried up a mess last night. That's how we mostly fix it, roll it in cornmeal and fry the stuff.
Unfortunately, The Fuzz did not get to enjoy this culinary delight. When he woke that morning, he was not feeling well. After agonizing over whether to call in sick, or be a hero and "tough it out", he took the easy way, and went for the phone. It turned out to be the best move. His condition deteriorated rapidly at this point. The Fuzz spent a very uncomfortable day as a sickie.
It turns out that his "Backup" at work, had also called in that morning. This complicated matters for the boss man, but they did manage to muddle though somehow. I am happy to report that he was back on the job this morning.

Young Daughter has been on a bit of a Bead Binge these days. Here is some of her handiwork. This all started at the Beach. One of the communal activities was a Beading Bash. Well, it keeps her off the street.

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