Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Fay Day

Fay hung around Florida a good while and left them lots of rain.
Then she* finally made it here and did it again, though not on the same scale.
She has helped out with the well, and the Fuzz cut the pump back on. Today, he measured a whopping 18in of water in that hole. You will notice the ripple effect down there. This is not some kind of Photoshop trick. It is Fay, herself, filling the well. That's the way it works with these shallow wells. Unfortunately it probably won't last long.
I'm afraid she did complicate things on the job though. She washed out the road into the dump.
Here you can see the extensive damage.
This complicated things since our trucks need to dump a couple times to work a whole route.
At first the folks out there told us they'd have things straightened out by about 1:00 PM. So The Fuzz tried to cram as much as he could into that truck in the hope that he'd be able to dump it. But alas, it was not to be.
Next we brought out some of the old "rear loader" trucks and filled them also.
By quitting time we had a number of full garbage trucks and nowhere to dump them. The Fuzz suggested dumping them over by the river, but nobody took his idea seriously.
But the trucks needed to be empty for the next morning. The landfill people said the road would be passable by 5:30 PM, so the boss man sent us out there to wait. By some fluke, The Fuzz got in the head of the line. He was the first one in, it was 7:00 PM.
But now every thing is OK. The garbage made it into the dump, and The Fuzz will get Overtime!

*The Fuzz thinks they should still name those things after women.

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