Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kittens & Applesauce

Here's a look at our Current Crop of Kittens.The Late Puddin's Sister produced these. They seem pretty far. Two Face was a good mother as you can see. Unfortunately, she has followed Puddin' across that Great Divide. What ever got him, seems to have gotten her as well. The Fuzz's Sweetie found her dead the other morning. But she did manage to raise these babies 'till they can survive without her, first. This is one reason we don't worry too much about having a bunch of kittens. Cats just don't seem to last long around here.

The Apples seem to be doing better. These are some kind of early green ones. This tree was here when we moved here many years ago. Someone had been trying to use the area for a garden, and cut it down. But it came back from the roots. One time, The Fuzz tried to graft on some Winesap shoots. They lived for a few years, but never did any good. But the rest of the tree did fine.

The apples are rather small, and not much to look at, but actually taste quite good.

The Fuzz's Sweetie has been making Apple Butter and Applesauce with them. She's pretty handy to have around.

We have another Apple Tree that we planted when we came here. That one's a Winesap (the source of the ill fated grafts). It's loaded this year too. Soon those will be ready and there will be more sauce, and The Fuzz hopes, maybe a Pie.


The Lazy Iguana said...

I see you have another orange cat.

Anonymous said...

cute, look like they are not as long hair as their mom.