Friday, August 08, 2008

The Root of the Problem

Here at the Old Homeplace we go in for a sorta "Natural" landscaping. So as you can see, this is not a "Park Like" lawn here. But of course even this Semi-wild type of yard must be mowed from time to time.

The other day, in anticipation of an approaching Apple Harvest, The Fuzz's Sweetie asked him to mow under the apple tree. Always wishing to please her, he did just that. And then, since he had the mower out and running, he thought to trim up a few more spots. That was when the trouble started.

When mowing around here, it is not unusual to chop up a few sticks or whatever. But this time as the rapidly spinning blade contacted one of these roots, it suddenly stopped. Something in the way this occurred caused The Fuzz enough uneasiness that he peeked beneath the mower "just to check on things". It was then that he discovered that his blade was, as they say, "History".
You will note in this picture how the old blade (Right) has a peculiar "twist" on the near end. And so it was time for a trip to the Home Improvement Store.

When he arrived at the Home Improvement Store, The Fuzz found a great many blades for a great many types of Lawn Mowing Machines. He had neglected to bring the damaged blade with him, so he picked out one that looked somewhat similar. Unfortunately it was a bad choice.

And so there was another trip to the Home Improvement Store for blade swapping. Again Our Hero found himself confused. But this time he had his old, unfortunate, blade in the truck. It was quickly retrieved, and compared to those in stock. And to his immense satisfaction, he found an exact match.

All that was left was for the skillful Fuzz to install the new, correct, blade. And he even got $3 back on the trade.


The Lazy Iguana said...

The lawn mower here is on its last leg.

First off, if I fill up the tank more than about 1/4 - 1/3, the gas spills out and gets all over the place.

Not good. could cause a fire. Then a boom. Then I would have to go see the nice people in the emergency room for some mercy drugs.

The engine is also getting hard to start. You have to pull the cord a lot. I am kind of hoping that the blade gets messed up - or something else breaks - so I am motivated to think about a replacement.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Ok yea - I also think the nature look is better than the artificial look.