Monday, August 18, 2008

A Fuzzy Techno Tip

Actually, The Fuzz is not here right now. But though the Wonders of Modern Technology, he will post this, even though he is (or should be) at work right now. Isn't Modern Technology great!
But on the subject of Technology, The Fuzz would like to share this Tip for Trash Receptacles.
In his line of work, The Fuzz has access to damaged and discarded trash cans. So he is well supplied. But in order to load these rather large containers onto his tiny truck, he must lay them down. This can cause the lids to open with unpleasant results. And so we present another of our incredible Techno-Tips.
Now this one is not complicated in any way. All that is needed is an awl like the one shown (or any similar instrument) and a common Bungee Cord. First, take the awl and push it though the plastic at point "A". Then repeat this action on the back side (not shown) of the container. The Bungee Cord is then slipped into the resulting holes. Thus, the lid is now secure. The arrow at point "C" gives a view of the bottom side of all this on another container.

And so, there you have it. One more of The Fuzz's Amazing Techno-Tips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aahhh, clever and only ONE ofmany uses for bungies!