Thursday, March 05, 2009

All About Navel Lint

Revealed: The secrets of belly button fluff.

This just in-

"After three years of research, Georg Steinhauser, a chemist, has discovered a type of body hair that traps stray pieces of lint and draws them into the navel.

"Dr Steinhauser made his discovery after studying 503 pieces of fluff from his own belly button."

It seems this has to do with Furry Tummies. If your twisted enough, you can avoid this curse of navel lint by shaving the belly. Apparently Body Piercing also works-

"...with belly button rings particularly effective at sweeping away fibres before they lodge."

You can read all about it here.

Fuzzy News, we report, you decide.


Anonymous said...

i assume this applies to innies and not outies. nothing shots down a party like excess belly lint.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Someone had far too much time on their hands.

The recession has hit the research scientists too. This is really a shame. They could be out there discovering all sorts of cool new things.

But no. They are apparently at home. unemployed. Looking at belly lint under the microscope once used to look for a cure to cancer.

The world is in sad shape.

Anonymous said...

levi would be interested to know this! i can't beleive that he collectes 503 pices of his own belly button lent!!!!