Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Cat at the Door

As you can see, the cat still wants in.
This one is a girl cat. The Lazy Iguana once told me that there are such things as
orange girl cats. I was not sure about this. But this one is getting "fat" now, and that can only mean one thing, yes there are orange girl cats.
Actually, I think they are referred to as "Red" cats. Well, we won't argue about these things. Suffice it to say, that soon there will be more cats.

1 comment:

The Lazy Iguana said...

Orange girl cats are rare. I once heard that only 1 in 10,000 orange cats are female.

I once had a solid orange female cat. Two actually - although one decided to live somewhere else.

Your orange cat looks a lot like my Fred.

You need to find a cat rescue place that offers free or low cost fixing. It really cuts down on the kitten population.

I think you should give the cat another chance. You may need more than one litter box.