Friday, March 20, 2009

Chastened Investment Bankers

The Fuzz usually reserves his politics for other places, but he wanted to voice his disgust.

From US News & World Report-

"Today, Citigroup shows that whole "chastened investment banker" meme is basically a lie. According to Bloomberg, Citi gets $45 billion in taxpayer bailout money and decides its chief executive and top lieutenants should spend $10 million on new offices."

The unemployment rate here is 14.5%

We have to fill out our *tax papers on the kitchen table since we lack a $10 million office to do it in.

These people seem to have totally lost touch with reality.

*The taxes that are paying for these "Offices"


The Lazy Iguana said...

We the people need to remember that we have the right to form a peaceful mob, and assemble at the homes of the bank executives.

And stay there, following them - fogging them - making normal life totally impossible for them - till they pay it all back.

Anonymous said...

it's insane to think they might get away with this, there has to be a way or ways to stop the misappropriation of the bailout funds. I had mixed feelings from the start at the idea of "too big to fail", too big-headed, seems more like. While the rest of us buy cheap beer and skip dinner out so we can afford to pay the mortgage, these folks are in a panic deciding if they can live with just 2 vacation homes.