Friday, March 27, 2009

So Much Alike

They all look so much alike.
And they just go on and on and on.......

The Fuzz's truck is still sick, sorta. But we do have some leads. Since we can now read the codes, they seem to be indicating a possible problem with the Oxygen Sensor. In consulting an expert, it was discovered that there is a slight chance that this may be rectified by a good cleaning of the part in question. The operative word here is may. Well whatever, The Fuzz thinks it's worth a try.

And in other news, we hope to see Air Force Daughter soon. She will be passing though on the way to new and distant places. We are looking forward to it.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Get a new sensor. They are not really expensive. You MAY be able to clean it, but it will likely just gunk up again.

A lot of the time, the O2 sensor is in a bad place to get to. If this is the case, then you are better off just replacing it.

If you can get to it easily, then you can try to clean it.

woodie said...

hope it works out, all this wet weather is not a good time to have to hoof it. :)