Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Long Time Gone

I took a walk in the woods the other day. And as I wandered, I came upon this relic of bygone days. It seems this was once part of a thriving homestead. For those who are uneducated in these matters..... I wonder if a quiz would be in order ? Probably not. Yes, this was once a state of the art outhouse. I know all about these things on account of I, myself, recently made a visit to similar facilities right here at home. Of course, ours is equipped with walls and a roof. Be that as it may, there is a melancholy attraction to these remnants of abandoned homes one stumbles upon out in the woods. I always wonder, what kind of people lived here ? How long has it been ? Why was it abandoned ? How many cold nights did someone come here in a solitary moment, and just relax their mind, forgetting about the cares of the day ? Here one could sit in peace and admire the stars, listening to the crickets and the frogs of the night.
Here the old ways and the new ways coexist. I write these words on this electronical wonder, but step out into the night for peace.

1 comment:

The Lazy Iguana said...

That outhouse probably had walls and a roof. They just rotted away.

But at least now you know where you can take a quick dump if you are out in the woods!

Pretty cool stuff there.