Saturday, January 20, 2007

Soybeans and Such

Been reading The Worst Hard Time. by Timothy Egan. Was a Christmas gift from my daughter in the Big City. Book is about the Dust Bowl. It sounds terrible. Books are good gifts, if a person can read. Anyhow, it made me think agricultural thoughts. So here is a picture of a soybean field near the house. We were taking a walk and came on this view of things. It was freaky how the rows of soybeans followed the row of power poles. This picture doesn't really do it justice. Actually, I don't really care for soybeans. When we were in Tennessee, we stayed near a place where they ate a lot of soybeans. They even made soybean "icecream". I do like icecream, but this is going a bit too far. My Sweetie was eating a lot of soybeans for a while, but they didn't agree with her and I think this is better.
Got my motorcycle back on the road. It had a flat tire. I took the wheel to the motorcycle guy and he found a nail in it. He said they wouldn't let him plug it, something about insurance or something. So I did as suggested and got a tire plugging kit thingie and fixed it myself. It cost less than $3.00. I took a little ride today, it was cold, but a nice change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad the book is good. It's amazing what we humans can endure! even soybean ice-cream, i guess. :)