Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Polynesian Cultural Stuff

Here is this cool canoe we saw at the Polynesian Cultural Place. Air Force Daughter got us all tickets to see this place, eat the Luau, and watch the Extravaganza later. This place was kinda like a theme park, but still interesting in it's way. We saw the Maori exhibit, and having watched and enjoyed "Whale Rider" it was nice to see the exhibit. There were "villages" from various island cultures.
We avoided the "canoe" ride on the little pond though. Then it was time for the Luau. This was held in a big pavilion, and served cafeteria style. I don't know if that is traditional or not, but the food was OK, and not what we would eat at home, especially the purple bread. They also put on a show there that was supposed to show what was traditionally done at this sort of thing. This is some of the dancing.
After the feast, we stoped in at the IMAX movie. This may have been an unwise thing, since sitting close to that gigantical screen, with a full tummy, was somewhat more exciting than I would have prefered at the time. But we all survived the aerial photography and learned a bunch of stuff about coral reefs. We finished the evening with the Big Extravaganza. It was actually pretty good with all the dancing and playing with fire and all. Playing with fire is always cool. I'll just say that those dancers got quite a work out there.
We don't often go in for these kind of things, but every now and then it's good for a change. We even went to Stone Mt. by Atlanta once to see the light show. We got to see some really different country in crossing the island though the mountains. This area is a lot different than by Honolulu.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Cool boat photo. Hard to believe that the islanders crossed the vast and mighty Pacific Ocean in those things.

They were true mariners. Either very crazy or very sure of their abilities to navigate the featureless and vast ocean, looking for little itty bitty dots of land.

Excellent "tour" of Hawaii. Thanks for taking the time to post photos from all the way over there.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

From what I've read, they did it all by the stars, and watching the prevaling winds and currents. And look at how far Hawaii is from the rest of them.
They also brought their own plants and stuff when they colonized new islands.

Anonymous said...

love the pictures. thanks for taking the time to post. You guys are seeing quite a variety of things, looks like a wonderful place to visit.