Monday, June 11, 2007

Safety First

Got to work the other day, and was informed that my Headlight was out. NC, like most states, insists that we ride with our lights on. We have signs that say, and I quote, "Motorcycles Must Burn Headlights". This is supposed to make things safer of course. The bright light is supposed to make people in cars and trucks see the poor Biker and consequently, not kill him (or her). Of course they do any way. Curious expression though, "Burn Headlights". Mostly, people burn rubber. But it does get the point across.
I figured I'd just risk my life and try to avoid the cops on the way home. But all this was unnecessary on account of it being discovered that the Bright (high beam) light still worked. This piece of the Motorcycle was the problem. It sort of reminds me of those tube things that used to be in all the radios and stuff. I guess there are people now, who never saw those things. But radios used to have all these tubes in there, that glowed in the dark. But this one was supposed to do more than merely glow, it was supposed to "Burn", and it wouldn't.
Time for a trip to the Auto Parts Store. I just can't stay away from that place. There were lots of these things there on the rack. It was finally narrowed down to two selections, the ridiculously expensive one, and the reasonably priced number. The choice was obvious. So now the Motorcycle has a perfectly functional, reasonably priced, new headlight. And I can once again ride safely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wear helmet, burn lights, and be prayed up!