Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brand New "Titanium" Battery

Here you see picture of a Brand New Truck Battery. Not just any battery, but a genuine "Titanium" Battery. So how did we get this picture ? Off the Internet ? From a Catalogue ? No, not at all. This Brand New, "Titanium" Battery, is in our very own yard, in The Fuzz's Truck.

It seems that these February Mornings were a little too much for his old one. He would get that "Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha.. Cha... Cha...... Cha..... Cha............ Cha............. Cha...................... Cha............................ Ch.........., And then, ZIP. And this would happen when he was trying to get to his important job with out which the world would no longer turn. At least not in it's proper manner. So it was off to the Auto Parts Place. There there were lots of shiny new batteries and a sign on the window promising "Free Installation". Buying this Battery was quite a shock for The Fuzz. A $90 shock, to be precise. And the "Free Installation" turned out to be The Fuzz him self.
But they did let him borrow their tools. Well, The Fuzz always says, "If you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself", and so, this job got done right. I am happy to report that his truck cranks fine now.

I am not so happy to report that the water situation here is not improving. This Chart indicates a disturbing trend. If this continues, The Fuzz may have to give up his weekly baths, which would not be a good thing.


Anonymous said...

I am worried about our gardens this year, it looks like we are in for more drought. Maybe some rain dances are in order.

The Lazy Iguana said...

"titanium" is a great marketing word. But in a truck battery what you want is lead and acid.

Titanium would not make a very good metal for a lead acid battery.

That $90 price is courtesy of the Chinese. They are building like mad and are buying up everything construction related. Add to that the decline in the value of the dollar and there you go. $90 truck batteries all around!