Friday, February 22, 2008

Wonders of the World II

Well, I finally got around the little "Technical Difficulty" here. It seems the Cyberworld is not always kind to those of a Macintosh bent. But, we find ways. As the young Miss Baudelaire has put it so well, "There's always something".

And so, now we can get a look at this much anticipated tree.

The Fuzz had been seeing this tree for years on the job. Something about it always seemed just a little strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It looked like it was about to bust open or something. Then one day it was trimmed up, and this is what was left.

If one looks closely, one might note that the bark at the bottom seems to be a bit different than that farther up. This is in fact the case. For this is not one tree, but two. This is actually a tree growing within another tree.

Now this is apparently not unique. Long time readers may remember back in September, 2007 this blog featured a similar, and perhaps, even more amazing tree phenomena.

Here you can clearly see how this arboristic insider has actually split open it's host. This seems a little ungrateful to me.

But of course, The Fuzz has a theory for this also. It is all so simple. Once upon a time, a little acorn fell into a split in this tree. This split had accumulated a certain amount of dirt and such over the years and this tiny acorn just loved it. As the rain fell, and the acorn grew, it got a little pushy. And so forgetting the kindness and hospitality of it's benefactor, it pushed and shoved and finally destroyed it's helpless host.

I suppose there is a lesson here, but I'll leave that for the reader to discover.

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