Sunday, February 03, 2008

Looking Ahead

Yes I realize that it's only the third day of this wintery month, February, 2008. But as you can see, the ground is not covered with snow,, and these tiny soots will soon be little Crocus bringing us the promise of Spring.

And here in the North Carolina Piedmont, it's time to think about Gardens. Now that it has rained, there is a possibility that garden things might actually grow.

These last few years, with fewer youngun's around, The Fuzz's Sweetie has taken on more of the gardening. This is good, because The Fuzz has a tendency to sort of half-ass the job. But he still has the responsibility for getting things dug up. This is "Man's Work" and The Fuzz can handle it. He started with an oil change for his tiller, and then progressed to fixing it's flat tire. Then it was time for the Fun.

It's always nice to get out and smell the fresh turned earth. His Sweetie was taking care of some tree pruning. After a while they stopped for a snack.

And here it is, almost ready for the spring crops. I'm sure the Cats will enjoy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, that's a big area! you guys must be going great guns this year! I spent two hours ordering seeds online, only to have my whole order disappear into the inter-tubes. AGGHHHHH. after two trys, I h ave given up, for now. maybe i will stick w/ starter plants from the garden center, but they are never as good and I had some really fun oriental veggies picked out.