Thursday, February 07, 2008

Firewood & Kissing the Splitter

When The Fuzz comes home, after a hard day at the office, he likes to relax. Maybe, take care of a few things around the house. Spring may be on the horizon, but there is still a need for plenty of Firewood. For the last couple days, he had stopped off on the way home and grabbed some from where they had cleared out a power-line right of way. There were also a few pieces he had grabbed over at the waste treatment place. (That's where the City dumps what they pick up in town.) But of course a lot of it needed to be split. And so, yesterday he got out the old Log Spliter again. Thankfuly, this time there was air in the tires . And this is the result.

The stuff on the right here, is something special. If the wood appears to be a bit wet, that's not water. This wood will burn fine. In fact, this is just what The Fuzz needs for quick heat when His Sweetie needs to warm up the Tush. This is Rich Pine, and that "wet" is really pine pitch. He found this over at Waste Treatment, and will put it to good use on these cold February Mornings.

And here's one of The Fuzz's Techno-Tips. He was finding it difficult to back this Log Splitter into position. Backing a trailer of any sort can be a problem at times. But the main difficulty was that he could not see the thing above the tailgate. Backing blind was a royal pain in the you know what. After a couple years of this, and several brainstorms involving welding, or drilling, he finally realized that a simple yardstick and C-clamp would end all the agony. And it can be installed or removed instantly. At last, proper application of the KISS ( Keep It Simple, Stupid ) principal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh! keep it simple.. so easy to forget. great tip.