My loyal readers with good minds for trivia, may remember back in April, when I posted a picture of "Some of Those Little Things" I believe I claimed were "Peaches".Well, it seems there was a bit of confusion on my part.
The other day, The Fuzz and His Sweetie were down in the yard looking for some of those delicious "Peaches". They were expecting soft, fuzzy peaches but found these Nectarines. Well, you'll have to look over my lack of Botanical Knowledge here. I mean, the tree had leaves like a peach and blossoms like a peach. And besides all that, it was a "Volunteer" and this was the first year it made! So I stand corrected.
Or do I? Whilst I was trying to find out how to spell "Nectarines", The Fuzz, ever in search of knowledge, Wikipediaed "Nectarines". It seems that we weren't as wrong about these things as we thought. I quote here:
"....fuzzy peaches and nectarines are commercially regarded as different fruits, with nectarines often erroneously believed to be a crossbreed between peaches and
plums, or a "peach with a plum skin", they belong to the same species as peaches."
You can read all about there yourself, if you're interested. And so, I think we can be forgiven for our little misunderstanding of this matter. They might not be "Peaches", but they are still quite tasty.