Monday, August 06, 2007

But I Won't Tell

Yes here it is. I'll admit, I had to read it. But if you've read all the others, how could you miss this one ? I mean, this is the one that ties it all together, right ? No, I'm not going to tell you who dies and all that stuff. You'll just have to read it for your self. Oh, I suppose there's a website somewhere that will give it all away without you having to read the whole thing. And it is fairly thick. But if little kids can do it, so can you. So I won't tell you.
I did not camp out all night at the store to get this. It's not really mine. A kind and generous person gave it to my Son. Then, Young Daughter got her hands on it. But when I had to make a recent trip, she let me take it, and I had lots of time sitting on planes, and waiting on planes, and all that. So now I know what happens, who dies, and if the forces of goodness triumph over the forces of rottenness. But I won't say here.

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