Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In the Big City

It was time to pack up the Artomat Swap stuff, and head out for a night in the Big City. But first, something had to be done about the emptiness in the tummies. So it was off to the Resturente Mexicana. This Resturente has mucho seafood. After what we had seen at the swapper, it was only natural to eat one of those fishies. I'm getting so those heads, tails and fin things, don't bother me. Here is some of the Big City. This is not the real upscale side of town, but it is where the music and art stuff is, I guess. Artistic Big City Daughter and her equally talented guy, took My Sweetie and me out into the urbanness.
First we visited the Seed Gallery where we got to see the Artomat exhibit. My Sweetie had a print hanging there, and it seems that it was sold. It's exciting being with a Professional Artist. We walked around a little, saw a live band on the street, and checked out the Urban Artware gallery where they had even more Artomat stuff. This must be some sort of obsession. But now it was time to hit the bar. But even here the Artomat was. Here's a couple people making that tough decision, "Which one should we get ?" What ever they chose, I'm sure they were well satisfied with their choice.
What next ? Life in the Big City sure is exciting. It was time for some beer and music. The Artisic Big City Daughter bought me a local wheat beer, but I'm afraid I've fogotten the name of it. It was interesting. After that I had some Guinnis, and got to buy My Sweetie some too.

Here's the Bo Stevens. (I hope I got that right) They were the first band of the night. They were pretty good, and it was fun watching the lady on the bass. Too bad you can't see the Hula Dancer on the guitar. It was hard to get a good picture in the dark, so you'll just have to take my word for it.The music and beer were good. Note the high-tech cooling in this place, I love it.
There were four bands in honor of that Artomat. It was late, so we left before the last two.
All in all, it was a most excellent trip, but as usual, we were glad to get home. The Big City can be fun to visit, and it's good to see family, but like Dorothy said, "There's no place like home."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

be careful fumblin' around with them thar knobs on the artomat 'chine, don't want to pull fuzz