Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunshine State

This is the place where I went to visit my Sister. It is a Hospital, she is quite ill I'm sorry to say. But I'm not going into that right now.
There are some visual clues that this is not North Carolina. I think the trees will give it away. She lives in a Tropical Paradise Place. Not the Tropical Paradise we visited earlier this year, but tropical enough.
This looks like a new hospital. Everything here looks new. The whole town looks new. There are new streets and new sidewalks, new building everywhere. Even the grass and trees are new. The trees just look un-new. I wondered how they could find all these un-new trees in just the right places.

But then I saw this. Apparently this tree did not grow here. It must have been tree-napped from some other place. Trees can not move very fast, so it probably could not escape. It seems to have been tied up, and pulled up, and then propped up here. But this is a nice place, kinda like a park or something.
You may notice on the roof, a glassed in place, where one could enjoy the view. That would be very nice, but unfortunately, it's only there for looks. We walked all around the place looking for a way up, but there was none. After we gave up sneaking around, we even asked about it. I think it's not a real place.
But before I give the wrong impression, the people here are very nice and are taking good care of my Sister.
You may also notice the dark and cloudy sky. I am beginning to wonder about this "Sunshine State" thing. It seems to mostly rain here. We need some of that at home, but it seems to want to stay here. There are little ponds everywhere with water in them.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of people here, at least for the size of the facilities. I was told things would change latter in the year. I guess for now all the people are in the mountains back home.
But My Sister does not live in this place. Here is a view of her neighborhood.
My Sister is not really from the Tropical Paradise, but her husband is. And everything in the Tropical Paradise is not new. But it seems like everywhere things are changing. New roads, new houses, new everything, pushing the old things away.
This is the "Driveway" to their home. It is a very beautiful place. Not "New", not like a park, but like a "real" place. I suppose those other places are "real" enough, but sometimes one needs to dig one's toes down into the dirt, get off the transplanted sod, and smell the fresh earth. And maybe to look up at the real trees and the sky.
So, to those of you who do believe, and who pray, remember My Sister and her family. And appreciate Life while you have it.


Anonymous said...

Life is much appreciated here in our little house. I have seen a lot of the sort of things that make you appreciate it, in the last few months. I am sorry about all the stuff that is happening now. It serves to make me appreciate everything more and hate it more, too. We will keep believing and hoping and caring, though. Luv -W

The Lazy Iguana said...

Sorry to hear about your sister. I lost my younger brother in 2000. He was in his mid 20s. But what is out of my control is out of my control. Know what I mean?

Anyway, it rains every day in the summer in Florida. Well not every day, but it seems like that. It may not rain on you, but somewhere in the County you happen to be in it will rain every day in the summer is FL.

If you want to see "The Sunshine State" you need to come here in the winter. When the ice is hanging from your trees, and all your neighbors are burning logs to keep warm. Make a trip here then and you will see plenty of sun. And no fireplaces. But fireplaces are nice. I like them and enjoy them when I am visiting family that do not live in Florida, but really they have no use here.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Really, I didn't mind the rain. I was amazed at the rate of growth there. I don't know if I would like that if I lived there.

Anonymous said...

You should report that to someone - those trees have been kidnapped!!!!