Thursday, August 23, 2007


During these hot days of summer, we often have a watermelon in the afternoon, after work. Sometimes they're good ones, sometimes not as good. But regardless of how we rate the particular melon, there is always something leftover.
Watermelon is best eaten outside, so we usually have help with the remains. Flies and yellow jackets we expect, but the Butterflies are a treat.
Eventually, what's left will make it to the garden, but for now we can enjoy the butterflies. Even garbage has it's good side.


The Lazy Iguana said...

I do not consider things that something else will eat to be "garbage". The rinds are probably good for the garden.

Watermelon is best eaten outside. On a wooden picnic table covered in old newspaper. If you can chill the melon for a day or two in the fridge before you eat it even better.

Anonymous said...

nice photo.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo.