Friday, August 10, 2007

Looking Up

We've had temps up to 102f lately. Today with temps approaching 99' and things pretty much under control, they cut me loose a little early. As I headed the bike toward home, I glanced up and saw this blimp up there. It was pretty close then, but by the time I got to the house, (and my camera) it was not so close. But I did manage to catch this much of it with my zoom zoomer thing.
I've never been up in a balloon. I bet it would be cool, just floating along up there, all quiet like. But I suppose there would be a lot of noise from all the stuff on the ground. In the blimp, you would have the engines of course.
It would be quite different than a plane I'm sure. I wonder if it would be like floating in a boat.
Maybe someday..........

1 comment:

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

It wasn't the heat, it was really there.